Robert Pollard "Lieutenant Moody"
Robert Pollard "Lieutenant Moody"
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Robert Pollard (1755-1838), author of the drawing and engraving, began his career as a painter and later devoted himself to engraving. After having worked with various artists, in 1782 he established his own atelier where he produced some of his most famous masterpieces. "Lieutenant Moody" is one of the few works he made based on his own design. It bears the date of February 19, 1785 and the address of his studio in London. The technique with which this print was produced is the aquatint, made by Francis Jukes (1745-1812).
Lieutenant Moody is a heroic figure in the British army during the US war of independence, who is immortalized here during the liberation of a fellow soldier.
Recognized as one of his most important creations, the MET in New York, the British Museum and the Royal Collection Trust in London own a copy.
Dimensions: print 44.5x55.6 Cm / paper: 48.3 x 61.9 Cm
Robert Pollard (1755-1838), autore del disegno e dell'incisione, inizia la sua carriera come pittore per poi dedicarsi all'incisione. Dopo avere lavorato presso diversi artisti, nel 1782 stabilisce il suo atelier dove produce alcuni dei suoi capolavori pi'u famosi. "Lieutenant Moody" e' una della poche opere da lui realizzate su disegno proprio. Reca la data del 19 febbraio 1785 e l'indirizzo del suo atelier, a Londra. La tecnica con cui fu prodotta questa stampa e' l'acquatinta, realizzata da Francis Jukes (1745-1812).
Il Tenente Moody e' una figura eroica dell'esercito Inglese durante la guerra di indipendenza degli Stati Uniti, che qui viene immortalato durante la liberazione di un commilitone.
Riconosciuta come una delle sue creazioni piu' importanti, il MET di New York, il British Museum e la Royal Collection Trust di Londra ne conservano una copia.
Dimensioni: stampa 44.5x55.6 Cm / carta: 48.3 x 61.9 Cm