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Anti-magnetique, circa 1920

Large Anti-Magnetique pocket watch, brand unknown. circa 1920/30. Case marked "Argentan" (alloy of copper, nickel and zinc also known as nickel silver or alpacca). The case is nielloed with a horse steeplechase scene, and is signed "FRAINER"; it is a work by Pierre & Etienne Frainer of Morteau, France active from 1864 to 1930. The watch is not working, needs service. Case diameter 68 mm.

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Cassa niellata

Grande orologio da tasca Anti-Magnetique, marca sconosciuta. 1920/30 circa. Cassa marcata "Argentan" (lega di rame, nickel e zinco conosciuto anche come alpacca). La cassa e' niellata con una scena di gara ad ostacoli di cavalli, ed e' firmata "FRAINER"; si tratta di un'opera di Pierre & Etienne Frainer di Morteau, France attivi dal 1864 al 1930. Orologio non funzionante, da revisionare. Diametro cassa 68 mm.

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